Chart work - Chart symbol asked in MMD paper until march 2020

 Safety fairway buoy: 


North cardinal mark:

South cardinal mark:

West cardinal mark:

East cardinal mark:

Sounding of doubtful depth:

Submarine pipeline:

Radio reporting (both ways):

Wreck which is cleared by wire sweep to depth is given:

Production platform showing flare:

Suspended well over which depth is 15 mtrs:

Rock which dries at the level of chart datum:

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3kts flood tide:

Submarine power cable:

Wreck mast visible:


A pilot point:

Leading lights:

C:\Users\AMAL\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 9.49.37 PM.JPEG

Underwater wreck of unknown depth, dangerous to surface navigation:

Radio reporting point:

Wreck showing part of hull:

Can buoy:

Radio mast:

Contour lines with spot height:

Rock awash at the level of chart datum:

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Underwater rock of known depth not dangerous to surface navigation:

Obstruction which has been swept by wire of depth shown:

Sounding in true position:


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Foul ground:

Unsurveyed wreck over which depth unknown considered to be safe clearance 



Isolated danger mark:

Ocean current:

Current in restricted waters:

Wreck depth unknown dangerous to surface navigation:


Mean sea level:

Unused pipeline:


Disused submarine cable:



Fish haven:

Limit of safety zone around offshore installation:


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No bottom found until depth of 330m:

Overfalls, tide rips:

Quarantine anchorage area:

Dangerous goods anchorage area:

Suspended well over which depth is unknown:

Anchoring prohibited area:


Edd stream 2.8 kts:


Production platform:


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Historic wreck area:


Major light float:

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